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Written by admin on 8th November, 2017

The theme for Anti-Bullying Week 2017 is ‘All Different, All Equal’. The week aims to help children and young people celebrate what makes them unique, and to understand the importance of being themselves without fear of bullying.

Anti-Bullying Week shines a spotlight on bullying and encourages all children, teachers and parents to take action against bullying throughout the year.

Within the past year 1.5 million children and young people have been bullied.

Children and young people can be bullied for all manner of reasons from appearance and accents to gender and race. And although not their fault, it can still have

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Written by admin on 28th September, 2017

This year’s Pupil Voice Week theme is ‘it’s Your Voice’, we want children and young people to celebrate their diversity and individuality. Helping them to see what makes them unique.

As part of the Pupil Voice Week activities we’ve been asking you to share your voice and encourage others to do the same. We thought it would be a good opportunity for you to get to know some of the tootoot team, and for us to have some fun thinking about our voices and what makes us unique!

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Written by admin on 20th September, 2017

Pupil Voice Week 2017 aims to celebrate the diversity and individuality of the pupil voice, encouraging pupils to use their voice be themselves and create positivity for those around them. We are lucky to have some fantastic partners supporting the week this year. eAWARE provide digital safeguarding in schools, in this blog their Lead Content Developer Joe Brewer explores the role pupil voice plays when tackling cyberbullying.

“No one should suffer in silence.” How many times have you heard that saying? Plenty I’m sure. Now ask yourself “How many times have I worried or been silenced, not knowing who to talk to and in turn suffered alone?”. If you’re like me then probably more times than you’re proud to admit.

Whilst my time at school was mostly happy there were occasions where bullying, both online and offline, got the better of me. I’d go home worrying about the next school day, feel isolated from my peers and worst of all, keep my worries to myself. Bullies had stripped me of my voice, I couldn’t speak up, challenge or report their behaviour.

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Written by admin on 15th September, 2017

Sign-up to the second Pupil Voice Week at to join us for a week of activities from the 25th – 29th September 2017.

With over 300 schools taking part in Pupil Voice Week last year we are so excited to be launching this year’s campaign with the theme ‘It’s Your Voice’.

Pupil Voice Week aims to celebrate the diversity and individuality of The Pupil Voice, encouraging pupils to use their voice to be themselves and create positivity for those around them.

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Written by admin on 16th May, 2017

Tootoot announce today the launch of their anti-bullying and safeguarding platform in United Arab Emirates (UAE).

The platform and app, which is available 24/7, 365 days a year is six times more effective at resolving incidences than face-to- face reporting. Bullying is currently an issue in many UAE schools, with 60 per cent of teenage boys experiencing bullying, according to Abu Dhabi Education Council. Worryingly, only 1 in 10 pupils actually tell someone about the issues they are facing. tootoot solves this problem by providing pupils with a safe and easy way to take the first step towards resolving their concerns. The platform has already experienced significant success in the UK with pupils reporting over 6,000 cases of bullying. Its impact has been recognised by the UK Government’s Department for Education who have supported the delivery of the anti-bullying and safeguarding platform to an additional 120,000 pupils across the UK.

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