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Written by admin on 26th February, 2017

Our friends over at Commando Joe’s have recently launched a whole new package for primary schools, centred around our character and life skills curriculum – the exciting top-secret ‘COJO Box’.

Their instructor-led programme is completely unique – and it works. With proven results in increasing levels of attainment, attendance and behaviour, we’re extremely proud of our impact so far.

But in order to reach as many young people as possible, and support schools when they are not there, they wanted to provide another option.

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Written by admin on 25th January, 2017

2017 was always set to be a big year for tootoot, and it’s certainly not disappointed so far! Today (24th January 2017) has brought the arrival of our brand new updated IOS app for iPhone and iPad. Developers at tootoot have been busy behind the scenes for a very long time analysing our old application, seeing what works and what needs updating to make the app even better!

One of the biggest updates for the app was to introduce push notifications for users. This allows students as well as mentors to be notified when a case has been responded to, as well as when a case/incident has been reassigned to you (mentors). When the notification is selected, the user is taken through to the relevant case/incident within the app too!

Providing our customers with an easy and yet secure way to log into their tootoot account was also central motivation for us to introduce a fingerprint Touch ID option to log in with, alongside creating their own 5-digit passcode. This ensures security when viewing cases and responses, from both mentor and student perspective.

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Written by admin on 25th January, 2017

Join us at stand B458 at the BETT show from the 25th – 28th January where we will be celebrating the launch of our 600th school and our new and improved app for IOS!

Drop by to speak with tootoot’s staff and learn more about our award-winning anti-bullying platform and app and how it could reduce bullying in your school – in just its first year our platform aided the resolution of over 2,000 instances of cyberbullying“Every day 160,000 children are too scared to go to school, providing them with a safe and accessible way to voice their concerns will help tackle this problem. It is important to us that all children and young people feel safe enough to fulfil their education.”

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Written by admin on 15th December, 2016

Wow! What a busy year for tootoot! We haven’t stopped growing, developing and spreading the anti-bullying message around the world and we certainly don’t plan to stop any time soon! The tootoot journey has only just begun with new schools joining us every single day, all wanting to help protect their pupils and give these children a voice. A recent 2016 study by Ditch The Label found that 1.5 million young people (50%) have been bullied within the last year, with 19% of these getting bullied every day. It’s statistics like these that keep us motivated to work hard & make sure every pupil is given the opportunity to talk about their worries via the tootoot platform. Let’s have a quick recap of some of my favourite parts of tootoot’s 2016…

2016 saw the tootoot team almost doubling with new arrivals in our Support team along with the Development team too. It’s been hard work from everyone all around, and it’s great to see it paying off with all the exciting things that have happened so far, along with fantastic opportunities coming up in 2017.

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Written by admin on 11th November, 2016

With Anti Bullying Week 2016 just around the corner, we wanted to celebrate Anti Bullying Week with our schools by launching and sharing tootoot’s new pupil led launch video!

This years theme is POWER FOR GOOD. We wanted to empower students in schools across the country to speak up against bullying and cyberbullying. The video, developed in partnership with Tweedmouth Middle School and Sky Vantage Productions, showcases students from years 4 to 8 explaining the importance of telling someone if they are being bullied or cyber bullied in school or at home.

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