Giving Girls a Voice in Education Globally | International Women’s Day 2019
Today, the 8th March, marks International Women’s Day. Millions around the world are highlighting the progress that has been made, and the work left to do, to achieve a gender-balanced world.
At tootoot we want every child to reach their full potential by being able to access their education in a happy and worry-free environment.
“If a girl isn’t in school she is exposed and vulnerable and left unable to learn how to turn her ideas and her dreams into reality.” Muzoon Almellehan
Education provides the foundation for boundless opportunities for future generations of women, as long as they can access it.
This International Women’s Day we’re exploring why it’s important we continue to work hard to ensure that all women and girls have access to education – giving them the best chance of a future full of opportunities.
Providing women and girls with an education is central to addressing poverty and fighting disease. Importantly, when women are educated and empowered to use their voices they contribute more effectively to society, the economy and lead lives that transform their families and communities.
For example, for every additional year of primary school a girl’s eventual salary increases by 10-20%, and with every extra year of secondary school by 15-25%. Being in education for longer also means they have a greater awareness of their rights, are generally healthier and support healthier and more prosperous families [1].
If we want to see girls really flourish, we have to do our part.
Creating gender-balanced leadership and governance teams in school has been proven to enhance a girls’ confidence [2] and finding ways to amplify girls’ voices in-school removes limits, increases participation and, ultimately, improves the quality of education for all.
We want girls and women to feel empowered to use their voices to make changes in their communities, to lead, to challenge, to push boundaries and ultimately make life better for those around them and those who follow in their footsteps.
It is important that we continue to give women and girls the confidence to speak-up. And, when they do speak-up, that we listen to them. By working together we can make this a reality, creating a change that will open up a world of opportunity for women globally.
Because, if women and girls aren’t given a voice how can they join the campaign for equality, let alone win it?
tootoot are currently offering a free trial of their pupil voice software – for more information visit or email Lucy on
[1] - UNICEF, “UNICEF says education for women and girls a lifeline to development,” 4 May 2011. [Online]. Available:
[2] - A. N. M. A. C. L. L. M. E. M.-G. J. P. M. S. Elaine Unterhalter, “Girls’ education and gender equality,” Department for International Development , London, 2014.