tootoot’s blog

The latest updates, ideas, tips, and teaching resources from the team at tootoot.

Mental Health, News Lucy Harvey Mental Health, News Lucy Harvey

Young Carers Awareness Day

There are currently 800,000 11-18-year-olds in England who give up their time to care for someone they live with (BBC, 2018). And the average age of a young carer in the UK is 12 years. We provide some tips and links to support schools and young carers.

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Mental Health, News Lucy Harvey Mental Health, News Lucy Harvey

Gateshead-based contractor funds new student wellbeing app for local college

Gateshead-based contractor, BAM Construction, has paid for a year-long subscription to a cutting-edge safeguarding app, for students at the Durham Federation. The contractor, who recently built the Durham Federation’s new Creative Faculty, has bought the college the tootoot app which aims to encourage conversations around mental health, bullying and wellbeing.

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Mental Health, News Lucy Harvey Mental Health, News Lucy Harvey

Pupils at St Matthew’s RC Primary Make a Noise against Cyberbullying on Safer Internet Day

Today St Matthew’s RC Primary School in Walton officially launched the anti-bullying and safeguarding app tootoot education to their pupils for Safer Internet Day. Tootoot education is an online anti-bullying and safeguarding platform and app that allows pupils to speak about any concerns or issues they have directly to their place of learning.

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