tootoot’s blog
The latest updates, ideas, tips, and teaching resources from the team at tootoot.
12 positive and inspiring social media pages to follow
A balanced social media diet means mixing in accounts that inspire, educate, and bring joy. Social media can be full of inspiration – you just have to know where to find it. Our tootoot team have put together a list of their favourite accounts to follow that will help you feel more positive and happy.
Do One Thing for Better Mental Health
This October, for World Mental Health Day, the mental health charity Mind are encouraging people to #DoOneThing for better mental health.
Random acts of kindness during COVID-19 to brighten up your day
The Covid-19 outbreak has left many of us feeling anxious as the news cycle continues to focus on worrying topics. However, it hasn’t all been bad news. There have been many individuals and organisations that have shown some amazing acts of kindness.
10 Children’s Books to Inspire Kindness
Kindness is one of the most important values for children and young people to learn. We’ve listed 10 books that encourage children and young people about the importance of kindness.
What happens to the brain when we are kind
When we compliment someone, or do something that could be considered ‘nice’ for them, the only response we are likely to see is the smile on their face. Behind the scenes however, within the brain, there is a whole lot more going down.
Why sport is the key to healthier, happier children and young people
Young people who live active lives are happier, healthier and perform better academically. In our latest blog we explore the benefits that physical activity and sport can bring to your children and young people.
This is how to keep children active without a garden
Staying active is paramount to maintaining a healthy mind and body. We have rounded up different ideas and resources that will keep your students active, specifically aimed at young people who live in flats, or are not able to go outside.
How mindfulness can help us overcome stress
We look at the science of stress and anxiety. What can bring it on, and more helpfully, what we can do to overcome it or make it less impactful on our daily lives, and at school.
Coping with anxiety during coronavirus – tips for children and young people
The pandemic has brought a lot of uncertainty and anxiety for young people. We provide ideas of simple things your students can do to help take care of their mental health and wellbeing during these challenging times.
Fun activities and hands-on science experiments children and young people can enjoy at home!
If you need some inspiration to mix-up your home-schooling schedule this week, we’ve got you covered! We list some fun activities and hands-on science experiments young people of all ages can enjoy at home.
Free resources, tools and websites to use during school closures
To help supplement your academic and safeguarding efforts during lockdown, we have created a list of free tools, websites and resources that schools can use to support learning from home, knowledge sharing and collaboration.
The Latest Research into Children’s Mental Health
For Children’s Mental Health Week we have put together a collection of recent studies and research that provide an insight into the scale and type of mental health issues affecting young people.
Young Carers Awareness Day
There are currently 800,000 11-18-year-olds in England who give up their time to care for someone they live with (BBC, 2018). And the average age of a young carer in the UK is 12 years. We provide some tips and links to support schools and young carers.
Meet the Year-6 tootoot Champions from Ince Primary School
We interviewed some of the ‘tootoot Champions’ from Ince Primary School to celebrate and promote World Mental Health Day. Abbie, Roxy, Dylan and Kevin tell us what they love about tootoot.
Tootoot visit Ince Primary School for World Mental Health Day
On World Mental Health Day Tootoot CEO and Co-Founder Michael Brennan went to Ince Primary School in Wigan to meet with Pastoral Support Officer Jaime Traynor to record a special webinar. We hope you enjoy watching and if you have any questions or thoughts please get in touch with us.
Mental Health Awareness Week 2019 – Body Image
This year Mental Health Week is focused around a topic that can affect us all – body image. How you feel about the way you look can have a significant effect on your self-confidence, and spill over into many aspects of your life.
Gateshead-based contractor funds new student wellbeing app for local college
Gateshead-based contractor, BAM Construction, has paid for a year-long subscription to a cutting-edge safeguarding app, for students at the Durham Federation. The contractor, who recently built the Durham Federation’s new Creative Faculty, has bought the college the tootoot app which aims to encourage conversations around mental health, bullying and wellbeing.
Go digital to reach young people with mental health concerns
Survey found over 65 per cent of 16 – 24-year-olds would turn to online support for a mental health issue or concern. Only one in three 16 – 24-year-olds would seek support from their family, friends or a medical professional
What’s new with tootoot?
Tootoot have launched a number of key updates that reflect the feedback from the safeguarding staff that have been using it, which ensures that tootoot provides the best possible support and insight to our schools.
Pupils at St Matthew’s RC Primary Make a Noise against Cyberbullying on Safer Internet Day
Today St Matthew’s RC Primary School in Walton officially launched the anti-bullying and safeguarding app tootoot education to their pupils for Safer Internet Day. Tootoot education is an online anti-bullying and safeguarding platform and app that allows pupils to speak about any concerns or issues they have directly to their place of learning.